Family Matters

A site for me to tell you something about our family

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Kitty asked me to write something about our childhood vacations at Lake Tahoe and as I remember them, they certainly included most of the people I have been writing about lately. Back in June of this year, I posted a photo of the family car and a short note about the trips to Tahoe (June 29th). Now I will try to elaborate on that story.

Although the car was a1947 Oldsmobile, I don’t think we made our first trip to Tahoe until 1949 or 1950. I remember Dad telling us that he had an old friend who had recently bought some vacation cabins at Tahoma and that we were going to get a reduced rate on a stay there. After a very long trip in the backseat of that “Merry Oldsmobile”, we pulled into Tahoma quite late at night. Dad found the road up to the cabins, which were about a mile above the highway and the lake. I don’t remember much about that first night, as we were all tired and quickly in bed. The next morning we were up early and quickly exploring our vacation home. The first year we were in the “Big Cabin” as it was known. 2 stories tall and with 3 bedrooms; plus additional sleeping in the large living room. This mini-resort was known as Gardner’s Cedar Shadows and the owners were Joe and Francis Gardner. I think there were 5 cabins available to rent and we tried out at least 3 of them over the years. But the “Big Cabin” was always my favorite, with its knotty pine décor and a big stone fireplace.

Outside, it was quickly apparent why they chose the name “Cedar Shadows”, we were deep in the forest and the sun was always filtered by the huge cedars surrounding the cabins.

I will continue with these memories, but first I need to find a photo from those times. Hmm? I can't find one, so I will have to scan one for you.


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